The Jahra Municipality has intensified scrutiny of safety systems in buildings, logging 507 alerts within three weeks in various areas of the governorate. This effort is part of ongoing inspection campaigns aimed at verifying licenses and checking advertisement hoardings.

Hamoud Al-Mutairi, the Director of the Safety Department in Jahra Governorate, informed Kuwait News Agency that municipality teams are actively conducting daily inspection tours across all Kuwaiti areas. The primary objective is to enforce municipal laws and regulations, reports Al-Rai daily.

Al-Mutairi highlighted that the field teams in Jahra Governorate, during their comprehensive tours, have been actively educating employees in commercial establishments on the significance of compliance with municipal laws. This includes ensuring the validity of licenses and confirming the appropriateness of commercial advertisements.

Emphasizing the crucial nature of abiding by municipal laws, Al-Mutairi underlined the potential consequences of violations, including fines and administrative closures. The teams remain focused on penalizing commercial stores that fail to adhere to the stipulated regulations governing health licenses and advertising licenses for stores.

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