Retired Colonel Nasser Salmin, a former prisoner, expressed hope that the new generation, which did not witness the August 1990 Iraqi invasion, would know the sacrifices offered by the citizens to liberate their homeland. This came in a speech delivered by Salmin on Tuesday during the inauguration of the first forum of Kuwait’s former prisoners.

The meeting is held, in support of Minister of Interior Sheikh Khaled Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah, and organized by the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters. The US Ambassador to Kuwait H.E. Lawrence Silverman and some military officials were present at the event. The forum, which was held after 28 years of the invasion, aimed to renew gatherings of former prisoners, he said.

He noted that the event also highlights the sufferings of the Kuwaiti families during this painful period. Meanwhile, advisor to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Lieutenant General Abdulaziz Al-Rayyes said that this forum is held with the great effort from the prisoners. He thanked Sheikh Khaled Al-Jarrah for backing his former military colleagues to organize this first forum of its kind. On the sidelines of the event, an exhibition was inaugurated that included portraits, handicrafts and possessions of the prisoners during their capture.

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