Russia launches a new satellite for remote sensing of the Earth according to informed sources in the field of Russian space industries. The same sources said Russian experts are preparing a new satellite to launch into Earth orbits.

“Experts in Russia are working on preparing and testing the new (Kondor-FKA) satellite for remote sensing of the Earth,” said Alexander Leonov, director of the “Mashinostroeniya” company. It is planned that this satellite will be launched into space in the first half of this year, reports Al-Rai daily.

According to the available information, the aforementioned satellite will help in mapping the Earth’s surface, in environmental monitoring and in exploring natural resources, and will be able to take high-resolution images of the Earth in various weather conditions and at any time of the day, and monitor an area of 120 square kilometers in every snapshot it monitors on the Earth.

The National Academy of Sciences in Belarus had recently indicated that its experts were cooperating with Russian experts on developing a new satellite for remote sensing of the Earth, which is supposed to be launched in 2028.

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