Reconnaissance Research’s Deputy CEO Yousef Alghusain welcomed Georges Malbrunot, head of Middle East affairs at the Le Figaro newspaper, on onset of the latter’s visit to Kuwait .
Alghusain said that international media outlets and platforms such as Le Figaro, which was established almost 200 years ago, play a major and important role in providing the public with valuable news and information.
Alghusain said Georges Malbrunot is a seasoned career journalist with more than 30 years of on the ground field work. He was taken hostage in 2004, by an extremist group in Iraq and continues to dive into deep waters while searching for facts and speaking truth to power .
He continued: “I was delighted to speak with him today amongst few intellectuals in a closed discussion about Kuwait, and to listen to him as well being an expert in the region’s affairs”.
For his part, Georges Malbrunot said: “I have not been to Kuwait since 2014. I am here to see how the country is facing this very complicated time with a lot of change in the region . It’s always a pleasure beeing here in a country which is discreet in the international arena, but it’s important to remind to western opinion its specificity among them the presence of a parliament elected, unique phenomena in the gulf”
He concluded: “Reconnaissance Research established itself as an independent voice from Kuwait. As an observer from France, I was highly encouraged to reach out to this institute. It was a very fruitfull meeting and we will certainly cooperate more between us in the future in order to build better understandings on matters of mutual interest“.