India on Wednesday said it had shot down a Pakistan Air Force jet that attempted to target military installations in Jammu and Kashmir. India’s Ministry of External Affairs confirmed a pilot of its Air Force was missing in action after the operation.
Pakistan claimed earlier in the day that its jets had struck across the Line of Control from “Pakistani airspace”, and that it had shot down two Indian jets. It also claimed to have arrested two Indian pilots, but later said only one pilot was in its custody. The action was not targeted at military installations or civilians, Islamabad claimed.
New Delhi said it is ascertaining Pakistan’s claim that the missing pilot is in its custody. Later, in a televised statement, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan sought dialogue and said neither country could afford war. He reiterated that Pakistan is ready for investigation into the Pulwama terror attack.
The development came a day after India claimed to have conducted air strikes and destroyed a terrorist camp in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.