The Amiri Decree 191 (2022), issued on Sunday, reshuffles the Kuwaiti cabinet. Following is a synopsis of the profiles of the new cabinet members;
His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah.
- Born in Kuwait in 1956, he is the son of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.
- He got a Ba in commerce from Kuwait University, joined the military and promoted to the rank of General.
- He served as Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior for Nationality and Passports Affairs and Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior for Education and Training Affairs.
- After retirement from the Ministry of Interior, His Highness Sheikh Ahmad was named as Governor of Hawalli. In November 2020, an Amiri Decree appointed him as Vice President of the National Guard with the rank of a minister.
- In March 2022, an Amiri Decree appointed him as First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior.
- On July 24, 2022, an Amiri Decree named him as Prime Minister.
- On August 1, 2022, and Amiri Decree bestowed on him the title of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah.

1 – Sheikh Talal Khaled Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior.
- He got a BBA (bachelor of business administration) from a British college and was named as Minister of Defense in March 2022 under an Amiri Decree.
- On July 24, 2022, Sheikh Talal doubled as acting Minister of Interior. In March 2019, he served as Governor of Hawalli.
- Since 1983, Sheikh Talal had served in the oil sector at Kuwait Oil Co. and then at Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) before being appointed as executive assistant to the managing director in 2001-2004.
- He served as KPC board member between 2002 and 2007, KPC Chairman and Managing Director between 2007 and 2013, and CEO of Kuwait Oil Tankers Co. until 2019.

2 – Barrak Ali Al-Shaitan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs.
- He got a BA in commerce from Kuwait University and served as Minister of Finance, Director General of the Public Authority for Minors Affairs, Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance for Auditing Affairs, board member of Zakat House, member of the board of trustees of Martyr’s Bureau, board member of Kuwait Finance House, and board member of Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority (KDIPA)

3 – Dr. Bader Hamed Al-Mullah, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Oil.
- He got a PhD in civil law, MA in private law, a bachelor of law and a bachelor in police science.
- Dr. Al-Mullah was elected to the National Assembly’s 15th and16th legislative terms, and chaired the parliamentary committee on budgets and final accounts.
- He worked as layer at the Constitutional Court and Court of Cassation, a judge at the commercial arbitration center, assistant professor of civil law at Saad Al- Abdullah Academy For Security Sciences, teacher of private law at Kuwait University, and member of the technical office of general dept. of investigations of the Ministry of Interior with the rank of chief investigator.

4 – Abdulrahman Beddah Al-Mutairi, Minister of Information and Minister of State for Youth Affairs.
- He got a BA in psychology from Kuwait University and served as Minister of Information in the cabinets of December 2020 and March 2021.
- In 2016, Al-Mutairi as appointed as Director General of the Public Authority for Youth, after serving as assistant undersecretary of the Ministry of State for Youth Affairs between 2014 and 2015.
- He also served as director of the technical office of the Minister of Information in 2012 and attache at Kuwait information office in Rabat between 2004 and 2007.

5 – Abdulawahab Mohammad Al-Rushaid, Minister of Finance, Minister of State for Economic and Investment Affairs.
- He got a BA in finance from Kuwait University and MA in business administration from Gulf University for Science and Technology.
- Al-Rushaid served as Minister of Finance, Minister of State for Economic and Investment Affairs in the cabinet of December 2021 after holding several positions, including; board chairman of Kuwait Economic Society, and head of the technical committee of the National Fund for SME Development.

6 – Dr. Ahmad Abdelwahab Ahmad Al-Awadi, Minister of Health.
- He holds a PhD in Pediatrics (Kuwait Board) from the Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization, a PhD in medicine (MD) from the Arabian Gulf University in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and a bachelor’s degree in basic sciences from the same university.
- He worked as a pediatric consultant and director of Wara Hospital, head of the Kuwait Cancer Control Center in Al-Sabah Specialized Medical District.
- He also worked as director of the Palliative Care Center in the same area and Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital.
- He served as acting director of Jahra Health District, and director of Jahra Hospital.

7 – Dr. Amani Suleiman Abdel-Wahab Bouqmaz, Minister of Public Works, Minister of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy.
- She holds a Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Kuwait University, a Master’s degree in civil engineering from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara – Turkey, and a PhD in civil engineering from Columbus Ohio University – USA.
- She worked as an assistant professor at Kuwait University and a member of the Board of Directors of the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences.
- She further served as a civil engineer, a liaison engineer to respond to the notes of the State Audit Bureau of the Implementation Department, and a planning and project engineer.

8 – Dr. Hamad Abdulwahab Hamad Al-Adwani, Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
- He holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the Kuwait University and a PhD degree in chemical engineering from the University of Texas.
- He served as director general of the National Bureau for Academic Accreditation and Education Quality Assurance (NBAQ), an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, acting Dean of Admission and Registration, Assistant Dean for Admission and Registration, Director of the Master’s Program in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Kuwait University and the Cultural Attache at the Embassy of the State of Kuwait in Washington.

9 – Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Minister of Foreign Affairs. He holds Bachelor and Master’s degrees from the American University of Beirut.
- He served Kuwait’s Ambassador to the United States of America until 2022.
- He was a member of the Kuwaiti permanent delegation to the United Nations, as Minister Plenipotentiary.
- He served as Kuwait’s Ambassador to the Republic of Korea from 1998 to 2001, and in the Office of the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and a diplomatic attache at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

10 – Abdulaziz Majed Abdulaziz Al Majed, Minister of Justice, Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Minister of State for Integrity Promotion.
- He holds a Bachelor’s degree in political sciences, and served as director of the office of the Minister of Justice, Assistant Undersecretary for Administrative and Financial Affairs and Administrative Development at the Ministry of Justice, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice, member of the Supreme Judicial Council, and Assistant Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Provincial Affairs at the rank of Undersecretary.

11 – Abdulaziz Walid Abdullah Al-Mojel, Minister of State for Municipal Affairs.
- He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education from the Arab University.
- He is a member of the Municipal Council, and head of the Technical Committee, the Capital Committee, and the Fact-Finding Committee for Infringements on State Property, as well as a member of the Municipal Council Office, and the Petitions and Complaints Committee.

12 – Sheikh Abdullah Ali Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, Minister of Defence.
- He got a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Bahrain, a certificate in Financial Analysis from New York University in the United States of America, and a professional license (7 Series) to work for the New York Stock Exchange.
- He was head of the General Administration of Civil Aviation, Secretary of the Kuwaiti Financial Intelligence Unit, and head of the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Operations Department, and a Banking Controller.

13 – Ammar Muhammad Ammar Al-Ajmi, Minister of State for National Assembly Affairs and Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development Affairs.
- He got a Bachelor’s degree in commercial aviation from Oxford in Britain, and served head of the Boeing 777 fleet at Kuwait Airways Corporation, operations for deportation affairs in the company, the emergency and rapid intervention team.
- He was commander of the aircraft, trainer and lecturer on the Boeing 777 fleet, and he elected a member of the National Assembly.

14 – Mazen Saad Ali Al-Nahedh, Minister of Commerce and Industry and Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology Affairs.
- He passed the General Management Program, Leadership Program, Acquisition and Merger Program at Harvard Business School, and gota Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, majoring in Finance – California State University, USA.
- He served CEO of the Kuwait Finance House Group, chairman of the Board of Directors of (KFH Capital) Investment Company.
- He was a member of the Board of Directors of Kuveyt Turk Bank, and of the Executive Management Committee of the National Bank of Kuwait as well as general manager of personal banking group and corporate banking group, and a treasury group.

15 – Mai Jassim Muhammad Al-Baghli, Minister of Social Affairs and Community Development, and Minister of State for Women and Childhood Affairs.
- She holds a Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Kuwait University.
- She was a senior engineer in the State Audit Bureau and a time program engineer at the Ministry of Public Works, and a member of the Kuwait Society of Engineers.