The British Ambassador to Kuwait, Belinda Lewis, spoke of the preparations being made for an anticipated upcoming meeting of His Highness the Deputy Amir, Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad, and the British monarch, King Charles.

Speaking at an event commemorating the victims of September 11, Lewis characterized His Highness the Crown Prince’s recent visit to Britain as “exceptional” and a valuable contributor to the enhancement of strategic relations, reports Al-Jarida daily.

She highlighted that during His Highness’s discussions with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, numerous topics pertaining to the strengthening of bilateral ties were addressed, including trade and investment.

Notably, an investment partnership agreement was also signed between the two nations, aimed at expanding Kuwaiti investments within the United Kingdom.

The British envoy mentioned that the talks encompassed the topic of a free trade agreement, with the British Prime Minister encouraging Kuwait to elevate its aspirations in this regard. She expressed optimism regarding progress, whether with Kuwait or other Gulf states.

Furthermore, she stated, “We are eager to foster mutual interests in fields such as education, technology, renewable energy, and scientific research,” elucidating that the next meeting of the joint steering committee is scheduled to take place in Britain before the year’s end.

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