The Ministry of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy informed that there’s a tendency to scrap three projects aimed at establishing electricity and water stations. Initially intended to be presented through the Public-Private Partnership Projects Authority, these critical projects are now being considered for direct contracting.

The sources told Al-Rai daily, “The Ministry is actively exploring various strategies to expedite progress within the electricity sector.” They clarified that these strategies are currently undergoing thorough evaluation and discussions with multiple official entities to determine their viability and potential implementation.

Furthermore, the sources mentioned, “The option to cancel these projects is one under consideration.” The projects in question are the Al-Zour North Power Plant Project (second phase), the Al-Khairan Power Plant Project (first phase), and the Al-Shaqaya Renewable Energy Project.

In terms of specifics, the Al-Shaqaya renewable energy project is anticipated to generate 4,500 megawatts, while the Al-Khairan station is projected to produce 1,800 megawatts and no less than 33 million gallons of water daily. Similarly, the Al-Zour North station is expected to yield 2,700 megawatts and no less than 120 million gallons of water per day.

It’s worth noting that the global consulting firm responsible for crafting the documentation for the Al-Shaqaya project has completed the feasibility study and awaits a decision from the Supreme Committee.

Simultaneously, a dedicated global consultant is in the process of preparing tender documents for the Al-Zour and Al-Khairan projects. The Partnership Projects Authority had previously issued an invitation for interested companies to partake in the rehabilitation and implementation of these two projects.

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