The Ministry of Interior is considering opening family and tourist visas from March, after a hiatus of more than a year and a half.

Security sources told Al-Qabas the Residence Affairs Sector in the Interior Ministry is waiting for a report from the Ministry of Health on the stability of the health situation following the outbreak of the Corona pandemic in the country, before taking a decision, especially in light of the recent decrease in the number of infections and admissions to intensive care units and hospitalization in wards.

The sources added despite the Cabinet’s decision to open all types of visas for expatriates, family and tourist visits are still suspended, and that the Cabinet’s decision was applied only to work visas, commercial visits and family visas.

The sources stated opening of family and tourist visits for children and spouses will contribute to revitalizing the economic movement at various levels, in addition to that it comes from a humanitarian point of view, taking into account the circumstances of the reunification of some families residing in the country.

The sources pointed out that dozens of expatriates on a daily basis apply for family and tourist visits in order to bring their families, especially with the approach of the holy month of Ramadan.

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