The value of investment portfolio of the Public Institution for Social Security (PIFSS) currently stands at $150 billion which vary and are distributed by about 31 percent in the stocks sector and 20 percent of the assets are semi-liquid and invested in the bonds sector, in addition to about 15 percent diverted to the private companies sector, and 15 percent in infrastructure projects, while the cash flow in the portfolio is about 3 percent.
As for the levels of liquidity, the sources pointed out that they currently amount to about $4.5 billion, ruling out that the institution will continue to withdraw its liquidity from local banks during the coming period at a strong pace as before, given that its officials have almost reached the target liquidity ratio, reports a local Arabic daily.
The sources revealed that the general return recorded by PIFSS on its investments during fiscal 2021-2022 was 3.3 billion dinars, compared to 6.1 billion general returns for 2020/2021, which means a decrease in value by about 46 percent, compared to the performance of the previous fiscal year in which the institution, according to its official announcements, recorded the best investment performance in its history, after the value of the assets of its investment portfolio reached $133.7 billion, a growth of 20.9 percent (23.1 billion dollars) over the previous year.