By Ricky Laxa
Staff Writer
The Embassy of the Philippines in Kuwait repatriated one hundred and forty-four Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in Kuwait currently detained at the deportation area and some are medical cases. The repatriation program is a project of the Assistance to Nationals Unit (ATNU) of the Embassy in cooperation with the Ministry of Interiors.
On December 30th and 31st under the leadership of His Excellency Jose Cabrera III, Charges D’ Affaires of the Philippine Embassy, repatriated 144 OFWs, 139 were from Talha Deportation Center with existing absconding cases, travel ban due to unpaid loans, residence violators, mother/father and child were also included. Four (4) medical cases with conditions on kidney failure and stroke plus one (1) stretcher case were among repatriated which were handled by the Embassy’s Medical Response Team (MRT). All these cases were handled by the Embassy’s legal team and lawyers. The Repatriation program is an ongoing project initiated by ATNU, which provides OFWs with legal cases and medical conditions the opportunity to return home after going through the legal process in Kuwait.