Pfizer and BioNTech announced today that they have entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Kuwait to supply the potential RNA-based vaccine BNT162 to prevent COVID-19, Al-Qabas reported.

Based on the request of the Kuwaiti MoH, the vaccine will be delivered by the end of 2020 and through 2021, after completing clinical tests and obtaining the necessary approvals from local regulatory authorities.

The financial details of this agreement have not been disclosed. Lindsay Ditch, Head of Pfizer’s Gulf Business, said: “We are extremely honored to cooperate with the Kuwaiti government to mobilize all our scientific and manufacturing resources in order to achieve our common goal of providing the potential Covid-19 vaccine to the Kuwaiti people as quickly as possible. Achieving Pfizer’s goal of advancing patients’ lives – is more imperative than ever. We hope that our vaccine will help achieve this, but of course, it depends on success in both clinical and regulatory aspects”

On his part, Sean Maret, Chief Business and Commercial Affairs Officer at BioNTech, said: “I would like to thank the Kuwaiti government for its support and confidence in our ability to develop a vaccine that we believe is capable of countering this global pandemic threat. Our goal remains centered on providing global supplies of a safe and effective vaccine against Covid-19 disease to many people around the world as soon as possible.”

Commenting on the agreement, Dr. Abdullah Munjid Al-Badr, Assistant Undersecretary for Medicines and Medical Supplies: “We are very pleased with the announcement of reaching an agreement.

Citizen service remains at the top of our priority list, and we have taken all measures to receive the Covid-19 vaccine and store it in our facilities at a temperature of -70 degrees Celsius.


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