In a recent exclusive interview, The Times Kuwait sat down with the Head of Mission of the Embassy of Peru in Kuwait, Tomas Berrocal, to learn more about the country, its growth, progress and development over the period of 200 years since its independence in 1821. Below are excerpts from the interview that provide a broad picture of the country, its bilateral relations with Kuwait, and the nation’s many attractive tourism venues.

Could you, please, tell us about yourself?

I am Tomas Berrocal, Counsellor of the Peruvian Foreign Service, acting Head of Mission of the Embassy of the Republic of Peru in Kuwait. I am a diplomat and lawyer, having studied at the Peruvian Diplomatic Academy and the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, the first university established in the Americas. I am very pleased to work in Kuwait, for it is a very beautiful country, with generous people that have welcomed me and my family in the best possible ways. The Kuwaiti authorities have been very kind with me, and with my beloved ones.

Why is 2021 an important year for the Republic of Peru?

Thanks a lot for your question. In this year, 2021, we commemorate the Bicentennial of the Independence of Peru, declared on 28 July 1821, a date that marks the birth of the Republic of Peru as a sovereign State, aimed at creating welfare, prosperity, and progress for its people, taking into account that the human person, together with its protection and respect for individual dignity, are the supreme goals of the Peruvian society and State.

In these two centuries, Peru has made substantial progress in these objectives, being a multi-ethnic and multicultural country that promotes its national interests and is open to the world and the future; we have faced historical challenges and difficulties, tough and good times, in our life as a republic — the current COVID-19 pandemic has also emerged as an important challenge — but through the joint efforts of all Peruvians and friends of Peru, my country is succeeding in reaching the above mentioned goals.

I would like to highlight the true interest of the Peruvian State to collaborate and strengthen its bilateral relations with Kuwait, through cooperation and friendship.

On the occasion of the Bicentennial of the Independence of Peru, I wish to convey my warmest congratulations to all Peruvians residing in Kuwait, as well as to our friends from this beautiful country, and other nations.

Could you elaborate about the relationship between Perú and Kuwait?

I would like to highlight the depth of the relations between the Republic of Peru and the State of Kuwait, and the extent of our historical friendship which dates back in time. In this timeline, one of the most important milestones was the establishment of the Embassy of Peru in Kuwait, counting with the collaboration of the State of Kuwait, in 2011, being H.E. Amb. Amador Velásquez the first Head of the Peruvian diplomatic mission.

Both countries enjoy prestigious international positions, as Peru and Kuwait have played important roles at their respective regional and global levels.

It is our wish to strengthen relations between the two countries in all fields, such as bilateral cooperation, cultural interchanges, trade, investment, and touristic promotion.

For instance, Peru and Kuwait have worked together, in full coordination with each other, in the Security Council of the United Nations Organization, and we will also work jointly to reach many achievements in the said various fields of the bilateral relationship.

Peru and Kuwait share common interests. Our States seek to ensure a better future for our citizens, to fight decisively the current pandemic, to diversify sources of income, and to work for the sake of future generations. I am sure that Kuwait will have a bright future under its wise leadership and its continuous efforts to achieve peace and progress.

And I am also very sure that Peru and Kuwait can work together for a better future for our nations.

Please, comment about tourism, and how the number of visitors are increasing.

During the last few months, Peru began to receive tourists again, who visit the different touristic locations of the country.

The Peruvian authorities are currently working to ensure the highest standards of health precautions, as well as doing its best efforts for carrying out a fast process of vaccination of our population.

Recently, we have started to receive many visa applications at the Embassy of Peru, and are currently working on fulfilling these requests. Our wish is to provide all the facilities to Kuwaiti citizens and all the friends of the Peruvian nation to visit our country, for them to enjoy their time in Peru.

There are many activities that can be practiced in Peru, such as surfing, mountain climbing, safari trips, visiting historical places, and enjoying the discovery of the ancient Peruvian civilization that stretches back thousands of years.

In parallel, I would like to comment that during the course of the last few years, Peru has received significant investments in the tourism industry. Due to this, Peru has an excellent hotel infrastructure throughout its territory.

I advise all visitors to Peru to visit the heritage places that show the depth of the Peruvian civilization, such as the city of Cuzco and the wonder of Machu Picchu, as well as to enjoy and spend time in the capital, Lima, and taste many Peruvian dishes. I also suggest booking tours for visiting the beautiful beaches in the northern coast of Peru, the Amazon, the central highlands, and the southern cities. There is an endless list of very interesting touristic destinations, I will just mention some: Kuélap and Gocta, Lake Titicaca, the Colca Canyon, Iquitos and Madre de Dios, the Nazca Lines, Choquequirao, the Qhapah Ñan (Inca road system), among others. I assure you that you will be astonished with their natural beauty and the energy that they project.

What can you tell us regarding the trade ties between Peru and Kuwait?

Regarding the trade ties between both countries, I would like to say that the Embassy of Peru expects to introduce Alpaca in Kuwait, due to its remarkable quality, and softness of its fiber. We also look forward to promoting Peruvian textiles, which are very well known for the high quality of the Peruvian ‘Pima’ cotton. We can also export fish products to Kuwait, for the Peruvian sea is very rich in marine biological resources.

The Embassy of Peru would also like to introduce Peruvian food products to Kuwait such as quinoa, a super cereal rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, which grows in the Peruvian highlands. It has scientifically proven anti-diabetic properties, and has been presented locally in previous years, with the cooperation of the Dasman Diabetes Institute.

There is also potential for exporting potatoes and other vegetables to Kuwait, taking into account that the Peruvian agricultural sector is very efficient, developed, and experiencing an economic boom.

Another area to explore is the export of precious minerals to Kuwait, namely gold and silver.

Are there places or cities in Peru where Arabic is spoken?

In Perú we have a very important and active community of Arab descent. Lots of its members speak Arabic. I would also like to highlight that the Muslim community in Peru enjoys complete freedom to practice their religious rituals, and that there are also mosques in various parts of Peru, where Muslims perform their rituals continuously, celebrate their holidays, and fast in Ramadan, as well as in other festivities, such as the Eid Al-Adha. In Peru, we fully respect the freedoms of religion and culture, and are an open, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society.

How is it possible to get a visa for travelling to Peru?

We are working continuously to improve our consular procedures, for we aim at providing high quality consular services for Peruvians, Kuwaitis, and foreign citizens that require our said services.

We will proceed in the fastest possible ways for assessing the applications of those who request tourist or business visas.

For getting a visa to Peru, it is necessary to submit the personal identification documents (passport and civil I.D.), together with the necessary information to prove the nature of the travel, generally for tourism or business.

Would you like to send a message to our Kuwaiti and Peruvian friends?

Yes, thank you very much.

The Peruvian people will warmly welcome all those interested in travelling to Peru, and invite them to visit our country and enjoy the diversity of its territory. The geographic nature of Peru is a mixture between the coast, mountains and forests, which makes it a distinctive tourist destination, with plenty of opportunities.

On the Bicentennial of the Independence of Peru, we renew our desire for promoting and enhancing the bilateral relations with the friendly State of Kuwait, to which we wish progress and success.

Taking advantage of this interview, I would also like to congratulate the State of Kuwait, the Leadership, the Government and the Kuwaiti people on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha, which was recently celebrated.

My deepest and sincere gratitude to you for this interesting interview that I am sure will contribute to bring our people closer.

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