The National Assembly approved the decree law No. (5) for the year 2022, with amendments regarding provision of the parliamentary elections law, approving voting in these elections upon the addresses on the civil identification.

The result of the voting on the decree during the complementary session came with the approval of 53 members, and the disapproval of three members of the total attendance of 56 members.

The Parliament also discussed the report of interior and defense affairs parliamentary
committee regarding decree law No. (5) for the year 2022 amending some provisions of Law No. (35) for the year 1962 on elections for members of the National Assembly.

Regarding the explanatory note for the decree, the basic rights of the society requires the parliament to express transparently the nation’s will which is the source of all authorities and the voter can choose the parliament’s member with his (her) free will, free from falsehood and fraud.

Source: KUNA


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