Agencies and offices engaged in recruiting domestic helpers will face closure unless they adhere to all rules and regulations in accordance with Law Number 68/2015, warned the Public Authority for Manpower (PAM).

The PAM urged owners of recruitment offices to strictly follow the law, especially articles 24 and 25 of the law, which could entail closing down of offices found in violation for periods ranging from three to six months.

The PAM explained that agencies and offices could face three months closure for:

Failing to appear before the domestic labor department at PAM when summoned (unless a valid excuse is proven).

Failing to deliver workers within 24 hours. Failing to receive laborers upon arrival to Kuwait or delay in doing so without due excuse.

The offices could face closure of up to six months for:

  • Transferring returned laborers to other sponsors or dealing with laborers recruited by others.
  • Signing contracts other than those accredited by the domestic labor department of PAM.

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