Director of Public Relations and Media Department and official spokeswoman for the Public Authority for Manpower, Aseel Al-Mazyed, announced as part of the ‘Towards a Safe Childhood’ campaign, business owners who employ juveniles between the ages of 15 and 18 will be obliged to issue a work permit for them showing the age of the juvenile, the type of work and working hours and then adhere to the conditions of child protection to avoid being subjected to legal accountability.

A local Arabic daily quoting the senior officer said the conditions also include that juveniles should not be employed in industries and professions that are dangerous and harmful to health, in addition to medical examination for juveniles prior to joining work periodically not exceeding 6 months.

Al-Mazyed stated that the working hours should not exceed 6 per day, provided that they do not work for more than 4 consecutive hours. The juveniles should be given a rest period of not less than an hour if they complete 4 consecutive working hours, pointing out that it is prohibited to employ juveniles for additional hours or on rest days and holidays or from 7 pm to 6 am

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