The Director General of the Federation of Domestic Workers’ Recruitment Agencies held a meeting with the Deputy Director of the Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) Protection Sector Affairs, Dr. Mubarak Al-Jafour, during which they discussed the terms of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the recruitment of Ethiopian domestic workers to Kuwait, Al Jarida reported.

Federation President Khaled Al-Dakhnan said PAM is in the process of finalizing the approval of the items contained in the aforementioned MoU, which will subsequently be sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, next week, to complete the steps to begin the process of labor recruitment from Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia.

Al-Dakhnan assured that, upon its approval by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the agency will start the procedures for bringing in Ethiopian workers, stressing the importance of making room for the recruitment of domestic workers from several markets, and not restricting the matter to two or three countries only.

He added it is especially pertinent since allowing the recruitment of Ethiopian workers creates a balance in the market, and solves the problems of the domestic workers shortage that the agencies are currently suffering, especially since the costs and salaries of Ethiopian domestic workers are low, in a way that does not burden the citizen and expat employers.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs had amended some of the items that came in the MoU, in a way that preserves the rights of the three parties to the equation, namely domestic workers, local recruitment agencies, and their counterparts in Ethiopia that recruit workers.

The new MoU comes at a difficult time in the domestic worker market as India was recently closed as a route for recruitment, leaving those domestic workers with valid residencies stranded and unable to return, as well as cut off the ability to recruit Indian domestic workers.

Recently, all direct commercial flights coming from India were suspended starting from April 24 until further notice, and passengers arriving from India directly will not be permitted entry unless they have spent at least 14 days out of India

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