In a recent report on activities of the Public Authority of Manpower (PAM) to resolve labor disputes between workers and employers, and disputes between sponsors of domestic workers and recruitment offices, the authority said it had helped to amicably resolve 290 cases that were submitted to by workers and sponsors.

Figures from the report indicate that in March 2022, the Domestic Worker Recruitment Regulating Department at PAM received 17 complaints against domestic worker recruitment offices from sponsors. The statistics also showed that a total of 183 complaints were received by the department from sponsors against recruitment offices, while it also received 181 labor complaints against business owners.

Regarding follow-up on complaints it received, PAM revealed that it had referred 63 labor complaints to the judiciary, including 8 complaints by employers about employees leaving work, while it received 37 complaints from employees about sponsors withholding passports and other travel documents. The report also showed that the authority collected a total of KD77,000 from recruitment offices for the benefit of employers.

Figures show that a total of 420 domestic worker recruitment offices operate in the country, of which 42 received the license to operate in March, and that licenses of five recruitment offices had been suspended.

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