Director of the Inspection Department at the Public Authority for Manpower, Dr. Fahd Al-Murad said PAM has not issued any work permits for juveniles between the ages of 15 and 18, and the matter is being studied if there is a need to employ juveniles, according to the market need and other matters related to the nature of this category as per the rules for regulations of the labor market and limiting violations.

Al-Murad told a local Arabic daily that Article 27 of Labor Law No. 6 of 2010 stipulates that “a person who has reached the age of 15 has the capacity to conclude an employment contract if it is for an indefinite period until he reaches 18 years old,” explaining that “only the authority has the right to issue a work permit in accordance with the text of Article 20 of the Labor Law, and it is the authority that decides whether or not to issue it as needed.”

He pointed out that “in the event that the owners of companies and shops fail to issue work permits for this category, and if any worker is caught in violation of the law and in accordance with the provisions of Article 141 of the law, the PAM inspectors will issue a notification not to repeat the violation and visit the facility again to ensure abidance of the law.”

In the event of a repeat violation, a fine of no less than 100 dinars and no more than 200 will be issued for each violating juvenile worker, and in the event of repetition of the offence within 3 years, the penalty will be doubled.

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