Message on National Foundation Day and Armed Forces Day by
H.E. Chung Byung-ha,
Ambassador of the Republic of Korea

On the occasion of the National Foundation Day and Armed Forces Day of the Republic of Korea, I extend my best wishes for the continued peace, progress and prosperity to the State of Kuwait.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on the first anniversary of his accession to the throne and His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on the first anniversary of his appointment as Crown Prince, wishing them everlasting health and success.

I also convey my best wishes of good health and success to His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, and my sincere greetings to all the people of Kuwait.

To begin with, I would like to appreciate the Kuwait government’s effective quarantine measures and expansive vaccination policy that have led to a dramatic decrease in the number of daily COVID-19 confirmed cases in Kuwait. Being convinced that we are now approaching the beginning of the end of the pandemic, I am very pleased to see that our two countries have maintained relentless cooperation even during the pandemic.
There are many reasons as to how this is possible.

First, our two countries have continued to build up a comprehensive partnership. Ever since the establishment of our diplomatic ties more than four decades ago, we have developed our relations based on a profound friendship and steadfast mutual trust in diverse fields and various ways. Our partnership has not been confined to economic ties but has deepened across political, cultural and even scientific fields.

Second, we have always been working together to benefit each other. It has remained the epitome of the spirit of mutual benefit. Korea is the second largest importer of Kuwait‘s crude oil, while Kuwait is Korea’s second largest oil supplier. The accumulated amount of tender awarded to Korean companies here is reaching up to a remarkable USD49 billion. Korea is the 10th largest investor in Kuwait at the moment. Furthermore, Korea has supplied more than 1.4 million test kits so far to help Kuwait fight against the pandemic.

However, our relations cannot be described just by the numbers, volumes and sizes of our projects. There is truly something more enduring, special and intimate in them.

We can feel it whenever we are mesmerized by the beautiful skylines over Sheikh Jaber Causeway at night. We can sense it whenever we enjoy a pleasant drive along the 1st Ring Road. We can realize it whenever we conjure up the images of pure water being pumped out from the Doha desalination plant in Kuwait. These are just small parts of what Korean engineers and workers have devoted themselves to in Kuwait. We can even get a hint of it as we see that the first phase of the LNG Import Terminal was successfully completed by the Korean companies in July in the throes of the pandemic to boost Kuwait’s capacity for electricity.

The history of our cooperation is not just a simple chronicle of economic transactions but a solemn record of sharing values of co-prosperity. Kuwait crude oil is still running through Korea’s economic artery like lifeblood to nurture its growth and development. The flow of oil from Kuwait had never stopped even during the oil crisis in the 1970s. In Kuwait, many buildings, houses, roads and plants built with passion and devotion by so many Koreans have already become an essential part of everyday life.

Korea stood firmly with Kuwait to protect the people’s everyday lives here during the Gulf War.

Third, we focus on the future. Korea has been seeking to expand the areas of our cooperation with Kuwait to new sectors such as health care, renewable energy, IT, smart city, smart farm, aviation and education etc. For example, ‘Multi Stack Photovoltaic system (MSPV)’ which is a new technology introduced by a Korean company, has been applied in Mutlaa new city project to increase the efficiency of collecting solar energy.

Korea Land & Housing Corporation (LH) is now ready to work with its Kuwaiti partner to construct the brand-new innovative city in South Saad Abdullah. Moreover, a close discussion is well underway between concerned parties to provide the highest quality health care service in the new Jahra Hospital. Meanwhile, T4, operated by the Incheon International Airport Corporation, has obtained ISO certificate in customer satisfaction in 2021.
Now is the time to move forward into a new era of partnership.

The State of Kuwait has laid out ‘New Kuwait Vision 2035’ with its pillars such as sustainable diversified economy, living environment and creative human capital. Also, the Republic of Korea has announced ‘Korean New Deal 2.0’, which is the national development strategy for surmounting the pandemic and climate change. Our two visions, pursuing similar objectives, will create a synergy effect if we share our experiences and strategy. I assure you that Korea will continue to be a faithful partner in Kuwait’s great journey toward realizing the Vision 2035.

Fourth, we have vigorously promoted cultural exchange and mutual understanding between our two peoples for our shared future. In this regard, I appreciate all members of the Korea-Kuwait Cultural Diwaniya who have played an excellent role as our cultural bridge since 2012. The Embassy is now hosting a variety of small-sized cultural events.

You will be able to take a glimpse of Taekwondo, Korean traditional clothing, and Korean calligraphy by joining us. In November, we will invite you to an event of Korean food festival. Also we will host ‘Test of Proficiency in Korean’ on October 16 for the first time in Kuwait. More importantly, we have been discussing with universities in Kuwait to find a way to open Korean language classes here.

Last but not least, the members of the Korean community have always worked together with Kuwaiti friends through thick and thin. I am absolutely sure that they will continue to make significant contributions to the co-prosperity of our two nations. Therefore, I wish to reiterate on this occasion that everlasting friendship and solidarity among our peoples will further grow.

The Republic of Korea and the State of Kuwait are essential partners to each other. We are both peace-loving countries. Kuwait, as an International Humanitarian Center, exerting good offices to mediate peaceful solutions to regional and global conflicts, has been a constant source of inspiration for promoting humanity and peace. Sharing these values proves to be one convincing reason why we are destined to go together.
Once again, I wish for peace, prosperity and progress of the State of Kuwait and its great people.

Thank you.

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