The Cabinet during its weekly meeting held remotely discussed the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee for Corona Emergencies. During the meeting the head of the Covid-19 team in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Hashem Al-Hashemi, confirmed that the medical system is coherent, and has the ability to deal with the developments of the Corona pandemic according to the experiences gained over the past two years.

Al-Hashemi assured in a press statement that “through our recommendations, we will try to stay away from any influence on the economic, social or educational aspects of society,” saying this “needs the cooperation of society,” reports Al-Rai daily.

He said, “We will not have to take further measures unless there is an impact on clinical capacity clearly on hospitals.” He pointed out that despite the continued rise in cases during the past two weeks, the clinical situation is still stable and the medical system is coherent, expecting pressure on clinics and hospitals because most of the cases are simple.

Al-Hashemi stressed on the need to take the booster dose of the vaccine, because it has been proven, according to studies, that it reduces severe symptoms and helps avoid hospitalization, in addition to the need to adhering to health requirements, the most important of which is social distancing.

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