The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior, Lieutenant General Anwar Al-Barjas, made an inspection tour of a number of security points pior the New Year celebrations, in order to see the readiness and security presence on New Year’s Eve, accompanied by Major General Jamal Al-Sayegh, Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior for Traffic and Operations Affairs, and Major General Abdullah Al-Rajeeb, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior Assistant for Public Security Affairs and a number of security leaders.

A security source told a local Arabic daily that there were no significant problems with the New Year celebrations, noting that the security plan was implemented accurately and successfully, coinciding with the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023.

Lieutenant General Al-Barjas was briefed on the inspection procedures, the security audit mechanism, the patrols’ confirmation, the scope of their distribution and deployment, and listened to the preventive and inspection measures and how to implement them.

Lieutenant General Al-Barjas conveyed to the security men the greetings and appreciation of the First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Acting Minister of Defense Sheikh Talal Al-Khalid, stressing that the security men are the watchful eye on the security and safety of citizens.

Lieutenant General Al-Barjas stressed the full readiness and constant vigilance of the security men to impose the prestige of the law and deal firmly with any negative phenomena or departure from public morals.

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