Traffic violators in the country could incur steep fines, if parliament approves recommendations made to it by a select parliamentary committee.

The committee found current fines, which range from KD10 to KD50 for minor offenses were not sufficient to deter drivers from committing traffic violations. The panel has now recommended significantly bumping up the fines to between KD200 and KD500 for offenses such as reckless driving, running a red light, speeding, or driving without a number plate, along with a three-month jail-term for first offenders.

A fine of between KD100 and KD200 along with a two-month jail term has also been recommended for driving with a child under the age of 10 seated in the front passenger seat. A similar fine and punishment has also been proposed for: those who allow a person not holding a driving license to drive their vehicle; cause damage during a traffic accident; drive with defective brakes, or do not stay in the correct traffic lanes.

A fine of KD50 to KD100 with a one-month sojourn in prison has also been submitted for various smaller violations, including stopping vehicles on highways, driving or parking on pavements, using high-beam lights, using loudspeakers and others.

Since the draft has just gone to the National Assembly for its deliberation, it is very likely that we will see a decision being taken only after the general elections bring in a new parliament by year-end.

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