The National Assembly on Tuesday, 7 January, will discuss several issues on its agenda including looking into the interpellation motion submitted against Minister of Social Affairs Dr. Ghadeer Aseeri.

The grilling, forwarded by MP Dr. Adel Al-Damkhi, would focus on the claim that the minister had slacked in her duty to promote cooperation between the legislative and executive authorities in addition to accusation of breaking constitutional oath.

MP Al-Damkhi had submitted the interpellation to Deputy Speaker of Parliament Issa Al-Kanderi on December 29. The cabinet said in a statement last Monday that the government was eager to commit to its oath to serve the interest of the people. Minister Aseeri said in the last cabinet meeting that MPs interpellations were guaranteed by the constitution, adding that she will abide by it within the boundaries of the constitution and in respect of the National Assembly statute.

Other items on the agenda of the session include a request by a number of MPs to assign the audit bureau to prepare a report on the state funding derived from future generations oil reserves. Issues such the government’s handling of fake academic certificates and accreditations, policies towards the stateless individuals (the bidoun), forgery of Kuwaiti citizenship documents and others will be discussed during the session. The session will also touched on Kuwait’s foreign policy agreements including a military agreement with the Ukraine, a commercial accord on maritime navigation with Morocco as well as the issue of establishing a headquarters for the EU in Kuwait.


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