Ahmed Al-Saadoun, Speaker of the National Assembly, confirmed that no suggestions or requests were received after the end of the discussion on the questioning of Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmed Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, initiated by MP Muhalhal Al-Mudhaf, reported Al-Rai Daily.

During the interrogation, Al-Mudhaf expressed his “non-cooperation” with the Prime Minister and invited fellow representatives to sign a paper if they shared the sentiment. The Prime Minister responded by accusing the interrogation of constitutional violations and criticized the accusation of not implementing the contents of the New Testament speech, highlighting that the government was only five months old.

The proceedings of the interrogation involved Al-Mudhaf presenting arguments and questioning the Prime Minister. He emphasized the need for political freedom and accused the government of lacking a clear vision for the future of Kuwait.

Al-Mudhaf also criticized the delay in improving the lives of citizens and questioned the effectiveness of the government’s approach to education and job opportunities. He further noted contradictions in the government’s policies and raised concerns about Kuwait’s decline in international indicators, particularly in democracy and political freedom.

Al-Mudhaf also highlighted the Prime Minister’s evasion of parliamentary questions and the impact it has on the importance of representative tools and constitutionality. In response, the Prime Minister addressed the constitutional violations in the interrogation and defended his commitment to the interests of Kuwait.

He emphasized the need for unity and expressed his willingness to present the facts without postponement or referral to legislation. The Prime Minister also mentioned the decisions and projects that required approval, including the government’s work program.

Regarding the accusations of not implementing the New Testament speech, the Prime Minister affirmed his commitment to the royal directives and stated that the government’s actions would be presented for evaluation by the people.

Overall, the questioning of the Prime Minister highlighted concerns about political freedom, the government’s vision, and its responsiveness to parliamentary oversight. The Prime Minister defended his position, emphasizing unity and commitment to Kuwait’s interests.

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