Mubarak Al-Ajmi, Director of the Audit and Engineering Follow-up Department in the Hawalli Municipality branch, revealed that the supervisory team monitored 58 basements used as warehouses, in addition to issuing a warning for violating building regulations, placing a precautionary bloc for 30 other properties, in addition to giving a deadline to vacate 8 basements by their owners voluntarily.

A local Arabic daily has learned, legal procedures are being completed with regards to 20 other violating properties.

Al-Ajmi said, on the sidelines of the field recently, that “the team has conducted inspection tours over a period of 3 weeks since the launch of the campaign, in order to activate Administrative Circular No. 25/2022, regarding preventing the use of basements for other purposes other than they are intended to. The inspections are continuing upon directives and follow-up from of the Kuwait Municipality’s general manager, Ahmed Al-Manfouhi.

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