The Director of the Information Systems Center Department in the Kuwait Municipality, Eng Tariq Al-Madani, announced the launch of the first experimental version of the e-Baladia application for the public on mobile phones and smart devices on the IOS – Android systems.

He indicated the application aims to encourage effective community participation in reporting violations and complaints to help municipal authorities to take the necessary measures, saying the step comes in line with the launch of the national campaign of the Kuwait Municipality launched under the title ‘A clean environment … a beautiful life’.

Al-Madani indicated that the municipality is keen, through the development of this application, to make it easy to submit a complaint, as the user of the application can monitor the complaint and report it in 3 simple steps by entering the application through authentication with the “My Identity” application, choosing the type of complaint, taking a picture of the complaint and sending it to the municipality.

The application automatically transfers the complaint to the concerned authority, after which the specialized field teams deal with the complaint, prepare a report and attach a copy of the work done.

He explained the application allows field teams to access the complaint site quickly and accurately through the GPS system, and the application also allows the user to follow up on the status of the submitted complaint and the procedures that have been taken on it until completion and the necessary work, stressing that the complaint will be answered within 72 hours.

Steps to use the app

— Login to the application through authentication via “My ID”.
— Choose the type of complaint.
— Photographing the violation and sending it to the municipality through the application.

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