Hardly a day goes by for the Ministry of Works and the Public Authority for Roads and Land Transport, but they receive dozens of complaints and appeals on their hotline regarding street wear and tear and flying gravel, and they try to work hard to address whatever problems they can.
The Ministry of Works officially announced a few days ago, that an inventory of all roads has been done and the nature of the necessary work needed for their maintenance, immediately after the completion of the awarding of 10 tenders and it seems that the suffering of road users continues unabated, reports Al-Rai daily.
In this context, the recent report of the Audit Bureau criticized the Ministry of Works for the lack of detailed statistical studies of the state of main and internal roads at the level of each governorate and region, when preparing the five-year plan for asphalt works for the road network for the period (2021-2026), despite the high financial cost required for it, amounting to 320.2 million dinars to offer 53 contracts.
The report indicated the insufficiency of asphalt pavement works on the main and internal roads, to cover the areas planned to be implemented at the governorate level, as a result of the limited budget allocated for them, and the length of the documentary cycle for offering contracts, which raised the number of complaints about the condition of roads.
This is in addition to amending the five-year plan for the maintenance engineering sector many times. Most of the main and internal roads were not covered with asphalt between 2017-2018 and 2020-2021, as the total area of pavement during the past four years was about 18.68 million square meters, or 37.42 percent of the total asphalt area in the country.