Representative Osama Al-Shaheen, Hamad Al-Matar, Abdullah Fahd, Faris Al-Otaibi, and Mubarak Al-Hajraf have proposed an amendment to the law which entitles female employees to a special leave with full salary for four months that is not deducted from their leave balance for childbirth, subject to completion, Al Qabas reported. During childbirth, they will be entitled to a special leave with full salary that is not deducted from their leave balance, not exceeding two years, upon their request in exchange for a maternity leave.

The five deputies stated in their explanatory memorandum that religion recommended good for women as they are part of the population and bear many responsibilities, including raising children and caring for their families. The officials said that working women have become an essential part of society in the modern times, and that they not only take care of their families but also work outside their homes, which require laws that support their role in society.

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