Parliament member Shuaib Al-Muwaizri directed a question against Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Anas Al-Saleh on alleged “profiteering” from his ministerial post, abuse of power and “forging will of nation and messing up with lists of voters on Tuesday.” Al-Saleh, also Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, nodded and said yes when Speaker Marzouq AlGhanim asked him if he was ready to be questioned by Al-Muwaizri.

The interpellation was scheduled for August 4 but Al-Saleh requested a postponement for two weeks in line with the parliament’s bylaw. Meanwhile, Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education Dr. Saud Al-Harbi agreed to merge two grilling motions into one, but requested a delay for the interpellations which was scheduled for today’s session. One interpellation by MP Al-Humaidi Al-Subaie about hiring expatriates and failure to abide by decisions of Council of Ministers and Civil Service Commission about priority in employment, in addition to failure to adopt proper decisions during the pandemic.

The other grilling presented by MPs Khalil Abul and Ouda Al-Ruwaiee was about failure to implement online education and confusion among Ministry of education’s sectors about Kuwait Educational Gate project. They also accused Al-Harbi of undermining private education, delay in announcing scholarships thus undermining students’ education, and not granting the stateless persons their university certificates, among others.

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