MP Badr Al-Humaidi asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Al-Nasser, important questions regarding the economy of the country. The state is working with all its agencies to take measures that support sources of income and strengthen the state’s annual budget as the oil prices suffer sharp declines at the local and international levels.

He said that due to these exceptional circumstances, it was necessary to establish the Ministry of Finance in charge of the affairs of the State Treasury and direct its investments at home and abroad, in addition to supervising Kuwait’s economic relations with all countries.

To follow-up on Kuwait’s rights in other countries resulting from international relations in terms of loan installments, administrative expenses, and investment in various countries, He asked for the facts and advice. He asked to be provided with the following datails –

1.List countries who have loan agreements with Kuwait granted to it by Kuwait, With an indication of the value of each loan, the period of repayment, and the value of each installment.

 2. Countries that have stopped the payment of the periodic installments of the loans granted to them. The number of unpaid installments, and the period of delay in payment for each country, in detail.

3- Measures that were taken by the Ministry of foreign affairs to recover these funds represented in loans, unpaid installments, and late payments, according to the loan contract with these countries.

4- List of countries that have received humanitarian or economic grants and assistance, With an indication of the value of each grant or aid, its history, and the agreement or international pledge that it relied on in this regard.

5-  The benefits or privileges Kuwait obtained in return for loans, grants, and aid provided to foreign countries other than supporting political relations with each of them?

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