Since the passage of Law No.80/2013 more than six years ago by the Ministry of Education, Young Kuwaiti graduates were being provided with financial support, professional guidance and offers of job opportunities in various sectors.

Despite these benefits, or probably because of the free financial support, most Kuwaiti graduates refuse to accept the jobs offered to them in the private sector. According to latest statistics, 59 percent of Kuwaiti youth refused to work in the private sector in 2017, and this rate jumped to 80 percent in 2018.

The Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) revealed these statistics in response to a parliamentary inquiry by MP Abdullah Al-Kandari. The figures showed that in 2017 the authority had offered 6,861 jobs in the private sector to Kuwaiti graduates, but 4,067 of the youngsters chose not to accept the jobs.

In 2018, the rejection of job offers were even more alarmingly higher; of the total 5,778 job offers made to Kuwaiti graduates, 4,618 youngsters refused to accept the offers and only 1,160 were willing to accept work in the private sector.

Some of the reasons why youngsters refuse to work in the private sector is that private companies cannot match the salaries, perks and privileges offered by public sector jobs or the added bonus of receiving a hefty monthly pay packet without having to put in any substantial work.

Moreover, the out-of-work allowances paid to youngsters are often more than enough for them to buy their regular diet of fast-foods and beverages, as well as to buy the benzene to drive along the Gulf Road in their borrowed cars and bikes.

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