The Moroccan Film Center announced the nomination of the film White Lies, directed by Asma El-Moudir, to compete for the Oscar for Best International Film in the next session of the most famous awards in the world in the field of cinema.
The center said in a statement that the film was chosen unanimously by a specialized committee headed by the director and director of the Moroccan Film Treasury, Narges Najjar, and the membership of seven prominent names in the field of the film industry.
He added that the film was one of five films submitted to compete for the nomination, but the conditions of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which granted the award, applied to only three of them before “White Lies” was chosen.
The film was shown last May at the Cannes Film Festival as part of the “Un Certain Regard” section, and subsequently participated in many European and Arab festivals.
In December, the Academy announces the preliminary list of films competing for the Oscar for Best International Film, which will include 15 films, before announcing the short list in January, which consists of five films.
Each country is entitled to nominate one film each year for the competition dedicated to non-English speaking films produced outside the United States.