The Director-General of the General Administration of Relations and Security Media at the Ministry of Interior, Major General Tawhid Al-Kandari , confirmed that relevant security sectors have taken all security and traffic measures as the new school year kicks off through the “Ready for Your Response” campaign.

Major General Al-Kandari said, in a press statement on Saturday, that security sectors concerned will work based on a clear strategy and several conditions aimed at the safe return of all students, and to consolidate principles, values, and loyalty to the country, as well as exhibit tolerance, renounce violence and preserve public property.

The official added that the General Administration of Relations and Security Media are coordinating with the media, through its social media channels, by preparing TV updates and publishing guidelines, as well as, awareness tips to reach the target demographics and achieve the required goals. He also indicated that the campaign targets school and university students, in addition to parents and the administrative and educational body, urging all parents to cooperate with the traffic police and patrols deployed on the main roads, within and around the campuses, and to follow the instructions for adhering to routes and alternative roads via GPS technology to avoid for traffic congestion.

The security official also called on motorists to take precautions about the safe crossing of students through pedestrian crossing lines and to pay attention when students get off and on the vehicles in order to achieve the highest level of security and safety.

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