Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) said they shut down four establishments by direct administrative order, including two stores selling 154 laptops for a company with the intention to monopolize the sets and raise prices. In a statement on Wednesday, the ministry said that the warehouse was shut down, following rounds of inspections by the department personnel of stores selling computers, chips and various electronic parts in the district of Hawally.
Having recorded an unjustified and unreasonable hike in laptop prices, the department has referred the case to competent authorities for further legal action, the added. The ministry warned traders that it would not be slack or complacent in regard to holding stores accountable for leveling heavy prices on customers for electronic devices including laptops. It also urged citizens and expatriates to report any “illogical” hike of commodities’ prices via the hotline 135, stressing that companies and commercial stores must adhere to the set trading rules.