The Cabinet’s decision to close activities for children, including summer clubs has caused mixed reactions. Some people support the decision as they believe that the decision was necessary to preserve the safety of children from the spread of the mutated Delta strain widely. While others said that this step is in a backward direction and the decision would have significant negative psychological and educational repercussions, Al-Rai daily reported.

Health sources revealed to the daily that the decision to close activities for children was based on a practical evaluation, after the sharp increase in the number of confirmed positive cases of (Covid 19) disease, noting that the analysis of the results of the epidemiological investigation of these cases showed that a large percentage of them contacted with children enrolled in summer clubs and that a segment of children between the ages of 3 and 6 years tested positive for the virus, and they were, therefore, the source of transmission of the infection to their families.

In the reactions opposing the decision, MP Hamad Al-Matar considered that the decision was researched and is not commensurate with the gradual return of all institutions, while educational consultant Dr. Abdulaziz Abel said that this decision will result in many shortcomings, including an increase in the possibility of children becoming depressed and declining in behavior and the increase in weight due to lack of movement, and poor eyesight due to the use of screens for long times, and the consequent lack of sleep and headaches.

On the other hand, Professor of Psychology at the College of Social Sciences at Kuwait University, Dr. Amthal Al-Huwaila, had another opinion, stressing that the decision must be accepted to preserve the health of children, because the health aspect is above all considerations, despite the importance of psychological factors. Psychological consultant Dr. Muhannad Al-Aidan agreed with her, who said that all the changes that occur in life affect the way we respond to them, and here comes the role of parents in forming a positive or negative perspective towards them.

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