In an effort to address the increasing issue of tampering with electricity and water bills, the Ministry of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy has initiated coordinated efforts with the Public Prosecution. Informed sources within the ministry have revealed an ongoing collaboration involving the sharing of information and details related to the case with legal authorities, reported Al-Rai Daily.

According to these sources, the Ministry’s Legal Affairs department has proactively provided the Public Prosecution with relevant information concerning the network of individuals suspected to be involved in fraudulent activities related to electricity and water billing. This strategic collaboration underscores the seriousness with which authorities are approaching the matter.

As part of their investigative measures, the Public Prosecution has summoned technicians from the Ministry to participate in explaining the intricacies of electricity bill issuance. The technicians, armed with laptop computers, are shedding light on the mechanics of customer service systems, bill generation processes, consumer debt calculations, and the protocols for accessing and interacting with these systems.

The scope of the fraudulent network manipulating bills has been described as expanding rapidly. Sources disclosed that the customer services sector of the Ministry has closely examined several transactions linked to the individuals implicated in the case. These transactions were conducted through compromised devices, which enabled the hackers to gain unauthorized access to user data. In a revealing discovery, it was found that the initial attempt at hacking targeted a real estate bill that had been suspended by the Ministry.

This incident of bill tampering has evolved into a complex issue that authorities are working diligently to address. By collaborating closely with legal bodies, the Ministry of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy aims to uncover the full extent of the scheme and ensure that those responsible are held accountable for their actions.

The ongoing investigation demonstrates the Ministry’s commitment to maintaining the integrity of its billing systems and safeguarding the rights of consumers. This collaborative approach between governmental departments and legal authorities highlights the determination to combat fraudulent activities that could potentially undermine the transparency and reliability of utility billing processes.

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