The resignation of Minister of Public Works, Amani Bouqmaz, in response to two interrogations initiated by MPs Daoud Marafi and Mubarak Al-Tasha, supported by other parliamentary members, has prompted inquiries into the political accountability of a departing minister.

Questions arise regarding the responsibility for administrative and legal transgressions, particularly concerning state projects, infrastructure development, and the persistent issues related to road defects that have plagued citizens for an extended period, leading to recurrent flooding during rainy seasons, reports Al-Qabas daily.

Insiders assert that the government’s acceptance of the minister’s resignation amid the backdrop of the interrogations implies an acknowledgment of failure in performing duties. There is an urgent call to scrutinize the subjects of the interrogations, rectify shortcomings, and hold any negligent officials accountable, even if they choose to resign from their positions in any ministry.

The focus of the recent interrogation by Daoud Marafi, leading to the minister’s resignation, included matters such as the Roads Authority, mismanagement of public funds, non-compliance with the law, neglect of job responsibilities, failure to oversee ministry affairs, and the environmental repercussions affecting the nation and citizens.

It has been revealed that the resigned minister provided contradictory statements, making pledges to address road issues by July 2023 after assuming responsibility for the Ministry of Public Works. However, no substantial progress was achieved despite announcing tenders to international companies.

Additionally, discrepancies were noted regarding maintenance contracts, with the acting Minister of Public Works, Jassem Al-Stad, revealing the absence of any such contracts. Contracts were awarded in violation of conditions, constituting further financial and legal violations.

The resigned minister is also held accountable for delays in the airport project, leading to concerns raised by involved parties despite an agreement. The absence of a unified system, as advised by several concerned entities, has contributed to the project’s stagnation during the minister’s tenure.

Critics argue that accepting the resignation without holding the minister accountable sets a precedent, potentially allowing officials to waste public funds, make arbitrary decisions, and mislead the public without facing consequences. Concerns extend to the minister causing financial losses, project disruptions, and property damage to citizens, issuing change orders without proper procedures, and extending the airport contractor despite delays.

Choosing contractors randomly and randomly harms the quality of project implementation, increases their costs, harms the authority’s credibility, and causes a decline in Kuwait’s international rating in indicators of infrastructure and road quality.

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