To enhance customer experience and promote sustainable practices, the Minister of Commerce and Industry and Minister of State for Youth Affairs, Muhammad Al-Aiban, has issued a ministerial decision.

The decision mandates that all restaurants and cafes across the country must provide filtered water to customers for free upon request. Furthermore, restaurants and cafes are prohibited from imposing bottled water on customers when ordering any type of food or meals, reported Al Qabas Daily.

This decision, which reflects the government’s commitment to both consumer rights and environmental consciousness, aims to reduce plastic waste while ensuring access to clean and safe drinking water for all diners. Under the directive, all restaurants and cafes are now obliged to install a special water filtration system that meets the stringent requirements of official authorities regarding water quality and filter installation.

Minister Al-Aiban emphasized the importance of this decision, stating, “Our aim is to create a more sustainable and environmentally conscious society while also ensuring that consumers have access to clean and safe drinking water. By providing filtered water for free and prohibiting the unnecessary use of bottled water, we are taking a positive step towards achieving these goals.”

The decision also aligns with international efforts to reduce plastic waste and promote responsible consumption, reflecting the country’s commitment to global sustainability goals.

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