The Minister of Health, Dr. Khaled Al-Saeed, has issued a ministerial decision to restructure the Supreme Committee to follow up on the reports of the regulatory authorities, and to address the observations contained therein, which are implemented as Monday, February 21, 2022.

The committee is concerned with receiving reports from the regulatory authorities such as the Accounting Bureau, the Government Performance Follow-up Agency (Financial Controllers Agency), reviewing and studying them, sorting and analyzing the notes contained therein, identifying the bodies responsible within the ministry and informing those authorities.

The committee is also entrusted with coordinating and following up with the competent authorities in the ministry to prepare responses to these observations, studying and approving the responses of the various authorities in the ministry to the observations of the supervisory authorities, setting a timetable for the competent authorities in the ministry to address these observations, and continuing follow-up with them, to avoid and address those observations.

The various committees must then submit a report periodically every 3 months to the committee regarding measures they have taken to address these observations and avoid repetition.

The committee must prepare the final ministry’s response to the observations contained in the report of the regulatory authorities, taking into account the legal deadlines.

The decision also grants the sectors of the Ministry concerned with the observations to hire competent employees with expertise to respond to the observations related to the sector or the health region, and to assign one of them as a liaison officer to coordinate with the committee formed in this decision with everything related to those observations, and in particular to report on the actual and practical measures that have been taken regarding the observations according to a timetable approved by the agent of the sector or health district.

The decision gives the committee the right to summon whomever it deems appropriate from the officials of the departments concerned with the observations received from the supervisory authorities, in order to complete its work, and it may seek the assistance of whomever it deems appropriate to perform its work.

The decision also requires all sectors in the ministry’s health regions and hospitals to commit and cooperate fully towards providing all data, documents and communications requested by the committee, and making them available quickly.

The decision obligates the committee to submit a report of its recommendations and results of its work (every three months) to the Undersecretary for submission to the Minister of Health, Head of the Coordination and Follow-up Department at the Office of the Assistant Undersecretary for Financial Affairs, and a representative of the Fatwa and Legislation Department.

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