Ministry of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy, Eng. Jassim Al-Nouri

Undersecretary of the Ministry of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy, Eng. Jassim Al-Nouri, said Minister Dr. Mishaan Al-Otaibi, is keen to move forward with the digital transformation plan, which the Ministry of Electricity kick-started more than a year ago to complete all transactions online.

Al-Rai Arabic daily quoting Al-Nouri said, “The ministry is keen to implement the digital transformation for all services it provides to ensure that Kuwait achieves its ‘2035 Vision’ as a developed country on the competitiveness index of ease of doing business.

On the impact of digital transformation on the number of employees in the ministry, he said, “Digital transformation will not lead to redundancy, as the ministry is working to develop appropriate plans to benefit from the efforts of each employee, according to the digital transformation plan.”

He stated the digital transformation will be a qualitative leap for the ministry in the short- and long-term and help get rid it of completing transactions manually.

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