First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Acting Minister of Defense Sheikh Talal Al-Khalid has issued Ministerial Resolution 410/2023 regarding amending some provisions of Resolution 81/1976 in the executive regulations of the Traffic Law and its amendments.

The decision states Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Article 85 of the aforementioned Ministerial Resolution 76/1 shall be amended as follows:

Private driving licenses – will be issued to those who will not be permitted to transport more than seven people and transport vehicles whose load does not exceed 2 tons. As for the validity of taxi driving licenses for Kuwaitis and citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council is for 15 years, and for non-Kuwaitis one year, and for bedoun as per the validity of the ID card.

Public driving licenses — Category (A); given for driving passenger vehicles which are permitted to carry more than 25 passengers, shared transport cars, transport cars, locomotives, trailers and semi-trailers with a load of more than 8 tons, and vehicles transporting hazardous materials and those who drive ‘learner driving vehicles’.

Category (B); is given to those who can transport more than 7 passengers up to 25 passengers, shared transport vehicles and transport vehicles with a capacity of more than 2 tons up to 8 tons.

The general driving license in its two categories is valid for Kuwaitis and citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries for a period of 10 years, and for non-Kuwaitis for one year and for bedoun according to the validity of the IS card. Those who hold a general driving license category (B) may not drive what the general market license category (A) permits. However, the public driving licenses issued before the issuance of this decision are valid until their expiry.

License to drive a motorcycle — Class A; given for driving all types of motorized bicycles, for teaching motorized riding, and for teaching ATV driving.

Category B; given for driving all types of motorized bicycles with three or more wheels. The motorbike driving license, in its two categories, is valid for Kuwaitis and citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries for a period of 3 years, for non-Kuwaitis for one year, and for bedoun up to the validity of the ID card.

Those who hold a category (B) motorcycle driving license may not drive what a category (A) motorcycle driving license allows, provided that the motorcycle driving licenses issued before the issuance of this decision are valid until their validity expires.

Construction, industrial, agricultural or tractor licenses – the bearer of this license can drive all kinds of construction, industrial, agricultural or tractor vehicles. It is valid for Kuwaitis and citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries for 3 years and for non-Kuwaitis one year, and for bedoun according to the validity of the ID card, and all types of driving licenses mentioned above must be taken into account in the provision of Article No. 92 of this decision.

Driving licenses with a special activity is given to all types of vehicles for the service activities specified in the license, and it is valid for one year and the type of activity is recorded. This license shall be revoked upon the holder changing the profession or canceling his residence in the country. It shall not be permitted to drive it on the public road or in places other than those related to service activities. This license shall be subject to the procedures and fees applicable to private driving licenses.

For the Second Article a new clause No. (f) is added to Article 87 of Ministerial Resolution No 81/76 referred to, which reads as follows:

“F- An applicant for obtaining a motorbike license must have a profession with residence data that is a motorbike driver, and his salary is not less than 120 dinars. The Director General of the General Traffic Department may exclude the aforementioned profession from the rest of the professions.”

Article Three: Clause First of Article 87 of Ministerial Resolution 79/81 is amended to become as follows:

First: Categories excluded from the conditions stipulated in Paragraph (D):

— Kuwaiti wife

— The Kuwaiti widow or divorced; married to a foreigner who has children from him.

— Husbands of Kuwaiti women and their foreign children.

— Bedoun who hold cards issued by the Central Agency for Illegal Residents, and valid health insurance cards.

— Housewives who have children, provided that their husbands are from the categories authorized to hold a driver’s license that are excluded from the conditions of residence and salary stipulated in “First” item 12 and “Second” in Items Numbers (1- 2 – 3- 4) and are excluded from the condition from the period of residence mentioned in “Third” in Clause 1.

— Members of diplomatic corps.

— Professional players for sports clubs and federations in government agencies.

— Motorists or representatives of government agencies only who have valid driving licenses issued by their country or any other country.

— Domestic workers, and those who work for a period of not less than two consecutive years with the same sponsor, provided that the profession is changed to a driver.

— Specialized Technicians working in the oil fields companies.

— Physiotherapists and all other medical professionals.

— Pilots and their assistants, captains, ships captains.

— Washers of the dead.

— The partner, the investor, his own sponsor, the clearer of transactions, and the driving instructor, according to the controls set by the General Traffic Department.

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