The Court of Appeal, headed by Counselor Fahd Bu Sulaib, upheld the verdict of the lower court and sentenced a former Kuwaiti military attaché to 7 years imprisonment and ordered him to pay $536,000 in fine and ordered his removal from job after finding him guilty of misappropriating the state money.

The Public Prosecution had accused the man, who worked as head of the military office of the State of Kuwait in one of the foreign embassies, of embezzling more than $100,000 by forging checks, pocketing a down payment which was paid in favor of an officer for buy a house and facilitating foreigners to obtain more than $64,000 worth of tickets even though they didn’t work in the office, reports Al-Rai daily.

The man denied the accusations filed against him saying he had paid the money in question to be used in security operations, and despite having paid part of the amount, the Criminal Court ruled that he be imprisoned for 7 years and fined $804,000 and dismissed from his job after paying back the embezzled money and double the fine.

However, the Court of Appeal value of the seized sums and the double fine, while the Court of Appeal amended the verdict and fined him $536,000 while keeping intact the 7 years imprisonment and removal from his job.

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