Microsoft said it is updating its Bing search engine and Edge Web browser with artificial intelligence, indicating its ambition to regain the lead in consumer technology markets in which it has fallen.
The manufacturer of the Windows operating system is betting on its future with artificial intelligence through billions of dollars in investments while raising the flag of the challenge to Alphabet’s Google, which has outperformed Microsoft for years in Internet search and browsing technology, reports Al-Rai daily.
Now, Microsoft is introducing an intelligent chatbot to accompany Bing search results, putting artificial intelligence, which can summarize web pages, synthesize disparate sources, and even compose and translate email messages, at the disposal of more consumers.
By working with start-up OpenAI, Microsoft aims to outpace its Silicon Valley rival and possibly reap huge revenues from tools that generally speed content creation and automation, if not the functionality itself.
This will affect business products such as cloud computing and collaboration tools such as software and applications sold by Microsoft, as well as consumer Internet services.
“This technology will fundamentally reshape every category of software,” Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella told reporters at a briefing at the company’s headquarters in Redmond, Washington.