Dear friends,

When ASEAN was established 53 years ago, few could have imagined the success of ASEAN today. Over the past half century, ASEAN has time and again shown the strength of unity and resilience.

An ASEAN embracing 10 brotherly nations has turned Southeast Asia from a land of discord to a land of concord, from confrontation to cooperation, and from poverty to dynamic development.

Today, the ASEAN Community is a big family of six hundred and fifty million people with a combined GDP of three trillion US dollars.

Translating its vision into actions, ASEAN has been promoting both the interest of our peoples and peace and prosperity in the Asia – Pacific.

ASEAN is now at a critical juncture. The new dynamism in our geo-strategic landscape, emerging regional and global issues require ASEAN to be ever more cohesive and responsive.

Shoulder to shoulder, we can rise above any challenge and move ASEAN forward. Therefore, we should redouble our efforts to strengthen our Community, while proactively and effectively promote our ties with the dialogue partners.

We should also ensure an ASEAN-centered regional architecture that is open, transparent, inclusive and rules-based.

This year marks the 25th Anniversary of Viet Nam’s participation in ASEAN. Our commitment and experience in the past 25 years enable us to make more proactive contributions to ASEAN.

Under Vietnam’s Chairmanship this year, a cohesive and responsive ASEAN has taken well-coordinated measures to protect the health of our peoples and revive our economies. ASEAN has led regional efforts in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic, innovated our operations, and further deepened our external relations, thus elevated ASEAN international standing.

With the ‘Think Community, Act Community’ approach, let us continue to work closely with each other and with our partners and friends across the world to build a strong and united ASEAN that is indispensable for peace and prosperity in our region and beyond.

Thank you.

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