There are a total of 1,538 vacancies at Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) for the 2020/2021 fiscal year under the budget approved last week by the Parliament’s Budgets and Final Account Committee, reports Al-Anba daily quoting reliable sources from the oil sector.

A total of 20,700 employees currently have jobs in the oil sector, with 22,300 employees are estimated to be working at KPC and its subsidiaries for the new fiscal year, with an increase of 0.5 percent compared to the previous fiscal year.

Kuwait Oil Company with about 11,500 employees has the largest share of jobs, and intends to create 417 new jobs, to enhance the total workforce of the company to 12,180 employees by creating 214 vacancies.

As for the Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) is filled with 6,300 positions and has 710 vacancies, following the cancellation of 205 positions, the total workforce will decrease to 6,800. In the Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC), 337 employees are in the workforce, with vacancies at 228, however, 140 positions this year will end, which will bring the total workforce to 425.

The Kuwait Oil Tankers Company (KOTC) has 651 workers and 85 vacancies, but the cancellation of 20 positions, will lower the strength of the total workforce to 716. The main office of KPC has 688 strong staff and 170 vacancies, and after it removes 25 positions, the total staff will be 833. As for the Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC), there are 1,170 jobs and 132 vacancies, while adding 81 new jobs to raise the total labor force to 1,380 employees.

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