One of the stolen cars that was heading to Kuwait.

The Customs Department in Malta succeeded in seizing 14 stolen cars from Canada that were on their way to Kuwait.

Al-Rai quoting media in Malta reported that customs officials confiscated 14 vehicles stolen from Canada and were bound for Kuwait, in recent weeks, indicating that the confiscation of the stolen vehicles took place at the Freeport port in Malta through customs survey equipment. The vehicles were hidden inside 8 (40 feet) containers.

It reported that the Maltese customs confiscated 58 vehicles during 2021, all stolen from Canada.While the Malta Police Force and Canadian authorities have opened investigations into the case, the efforts of Malta Customs have helped Canadian police bring charges against 9 people suspected of being linked to armed robbery of cars with the aim of stealing them.

The Maltese media gave the following list of vehicles:

– nine Ford F150 trucks;
– two Lexus RX 35;
– one Lexus 1S30;
– one Dodge Dura; and
– one Jeep Wrangler.

The Malta Police Force and the Canadian Authorities have been informed about the find and an investigation has been launched.

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