By Ricky Laxa
Staff Writer

The Malaysian Association in Kuwait (MAK) President Megat Badrul Hisham promoted the organization of Malaysians in Kuwait during a live interview with Morning Talk Asia host and The Times Journalist Ricky Laxa, Saturday evening.

In the interview Hisham said that there are currently about 500 Malaysians in Kuwait working in selected sectors such as oil, gas, banks, aviation, and that organization has existed for the past 20 years. Hisham added during pandemic, its numbers dropped substantially but currently regained in the past few months. “Sometimes smaller in number is better as camaraderie is stronger and closer” added Hisham. However, in Qatar there are about 6,000 Malaysians. Among the projects organized by the group were sports, family, food as well as activities such as treasure hunts and more. As school resumes, several members of the organization will be returning to Kuwait and among its activities on the pipeline are bowling competition, sports, and BBQ. In January MAK will organize a golf tournament and March will be the Bazaar and food Exhibition.

Malaysian Association Kuwait is a non-governmental, non-political, and non-profit organization with the objectives of bringing together Malaysians through educational, social, cultural, and economic activities, and to promote the interests of its members and to foster Malaysia/Kuwait understanding and cooperation.

Primary Activities of Association include to organize functions amongst its members, with the members of other associations, both foreign and domestic, Kuwait authorities and with Malaysian educational, social, cultural, and economic delegations visiting Kuwait. To promote educational, social, cultural, and economic activities for members. Organize seminars and dialogues on relevant educational, social, cultural, and economic topics of interests to members. To create and maintain a good general Malaysian image, and to protect the reputation and standing of Malaysia among citizens of Kuwait. To raise funds through various lawful means, to meet the operational costs of MAK. To support appropriate charitable, educational, social, cultural, or economic organizations and to undertake such other activities as may from time to time be permitted under the laws of Kuwait.

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