Lulu Kuwait, one of the leading hypermarket chains in the country, celebrated Girgian as part of the Ramadan festivities at its Qurain, egaila and jahra outlets on 5th march. The event was attended by more than 30 kids who participated in various traditional programs and enjoyed a variety of Girgian-related sweets and chocolates.

Girgian is a traditional Kuwaiti celebration that takes place during the middle of Ramadan, and is a time when children dress up in traditional costumes, sing songs and visit their neighbors to receive sweets and other treats. Lulu Kuwait’s Girgian celebration was aimed at keeping this tradition alive and providing a fun-filled experience for children during the holy month of Ramadan.

The event was organized with great care and attention to detail, with special traditional Girgian programs that were designed to engage and entertain the kids. The children were given traditional costumes to wear, and they had a blast singing songs and performing traditional dances. In addition, they were also treated to a variety of sweet treats, including Girgian-related sweets, chocolates, and other goodies that were specially prepared for the occasion.

This event is a great opportunity to keep the traditional values of our culture alive and to provide a fun-filled experience for the kids during Ramadan,” said, Director of Lulu Hypermarket, Kuwait.

Lulu Kuwait has always been committed to promoting the cultural values of Kuwait and the Middle East, and this Girgian celebration is just one example of their commitment. The event was a huge success and was greatly appreciated by the children and their parents, who expressed their gratitude to Lulu Kuwait for organizing such a wonderful event.

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