Minister of State for Municipal Affairs Abdulaziz Al-Mojil, in coordination with the Director General of Kuwait Municipality Eng. Eng. Ahmed Al-Manfouhi is in the process of announcing the implementation of a new strategy for dealing with real estate in terms of violation by owners of private and model housing, in addition to homes rented to bachelors by cutting off the power supply and linking the restoration of electricity to the house by removing all aspects.

The sources explained that “the issue needs a law to be amended Fatwa Department on the issue of restoring the power supply to the violating property,” reports Al-Rai daily.

The sources said, in this regard, cooperation is ongoing with the Ministry of Electricity and Water in relation to cutting the electricity, and currently the ministry’s teams carry out the cutting procedures as soon as the municipality requests, pointing out that there is a tendency by the senior management in the municipality to authorize the municipality teams concerned with cutting without referring to the ministry of electricity, provided that the ministry takes action after submitting a report on the condition of the property, and that it is free of other violations.

The sources indicated that violating multi-storey real estate, with random divisions, and rented to singles in private and model housing will be the target, especially since municipal teams in the governorates will work to monitor violations, and then submit them to the administration in charge (later) to take cut-off procedures, indicating that the current mechanism is useless, whether for the Kuwait Municipality or the Ministry of Electricity, and therefore the violating real estate investor in private housing is the biggest beneficiary due to the weakness of the law.

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